Following up the letter to the congregation about our decision to conclude our ministry at the church next year, December 2011, Abe Fisher (current Chairman of the Elders) and Doug Denlinger (new Chairman of the Elders) addressed the congregation before the morning worship services on November 14, 2010. I also shared the following comments:
“Life is essentially a series of phases that God sovereignly leads us through. As we leave one phase we understand that that phase is closed and will not be altered. We also realize at the same time the Lord is sovereignly opening up a new phase of life and he wants us to enter into it by faith. We are to confidently move ahead embracing the truth that the next phase may be unknown to us, however the Lord already has the path well charted. Calvary Monument Bible Church, Doris and I are entering into a new phase.
"As we move into this next phase, I want to assure you of something. Our relationship to this church will remain special, but different. In the letter you received, I hope you understand how special you are when I wrote, “This church represents people we deeply love, a ministry we fully support, and a part of God’s harvest field were we have invested half our lives.” Yet things will be different.
"A ministry friend drew an analogy between pastors who move from a ministry with the father of the bride. I have pondered that analogy. The father stands at the end of the church aisle and realizes in brief moments the relationship between his daughter and he will soon be very different. It creates a tug at the father’s heart. But even after a 'new man' enters into his daughter’s life, the love for his daughter does not change. The relationship is indeed different, but on another level, a relationship remains because the love remains. I expect the same will be true in the leadership change that will be occurring in our church. The relationship will be different, yet a relationship will remain.
"I will be praying for you as the Lord leads this congregation to a new man, a new pastor, who will enter into this congregation’s life. I pray that he will love you and serve you. I pray that you will love him and support his ministry among you.
"I am asking that you support the rest of the ministry team – my fellow “under shepherds” of the pastoral staff and the elders. They will be walking with you through this process and will need your prayers for wisdom, spiritual understanding, and patient endurance. They will be taking on more responsibilities and will need your encouragement and helpful efforts to lift some of the load. I am praying for unity and love to abound as this phase of our church’s life. We cannot allow Satan to have any foothold in our congregation through the manifestation of ungodly attitudes or actions.
"I will continue serving here for the next year. So don’t turn this time into a funeral dirge. Doris and I are excited for what God has ahead for us. We take this step of faith fully convinced that we are to “Trust the Lord with all our heart, and lean not on our own understanding; in all our ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct our paths” (Prov. 3:5-6). I pray too that our church will have this same conviction."
Thanks for praying for us as we will be assuming the title of Minister-at-Large in about a year from now. The position is described like this: "As Minister-at-Large, Pastor Reid will serve beyond the walls of Calvary Monument Bible Church to the larger universal church through the teaching of Scripture, the strengthening of the body of Christ, and the encouragement of churches and Christian workers, in the U.S. and around the world. He will be free to serve whenever and wherever he believes the Lord has provided the opportunity. He will report annually to the elders of Calvary Monument Bible Church, and may seek their prayer and counsel regarding opportunities for ministry."