Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Personal Christmas Greetings 2015

Christmas Greetings from Bob and Doris Reid 2015

We trust you and your family have had a good year. It has been a good year for us and one in which we praise the Lord for many of His blessings. It is hard for us to realize that it has been four years since we left the pastoral role in a local church and settled into a role of serving on a college campus at Lancaster Bible College (LBC). Much has happened in this past year and since it has been several years since we gave you an update, we decided to do a more formal summary.
     Bob continues to serve as Pastor at Large at LBC. In this capacity he spends his time divided among students, faculty, staff, administration, pastors and churches. After serving two years as Interim Chair of the Bible and Theology Department, a new chairman was hired and much of the administrative load was removed. Following this he was asked to chair several projects to rewrite and develop several documents for the college and completed them this Fall. Now he spends his time relating to students, pastors, and churches. Additionally, he preaches almost every weekend either at churches or conferences. He was able to fill the pulpit for 8 months for New Life Bible Fellowship in Oley, PA, which was without a pastor.
                After being away from our former church for almost 2.5 years, they invited us to return and teach in Adult Bible Fellowships when our schedule permits. Doris teaches about twice a month and Bob when he is not preaching elsewhere – about every six weeks. We enjoy again connecting to a congregation we deeply love and appreciate.
     Bob also writes a newspaper article every six weeks, and has been asked to Tweet (twitter.com/Bob_Reid_In_Him) and Blog (http://reidsreflection.blogspot.com/). He also enjoys reading Facebook entries of family, friends, and ministry associates from around the world – “friend” him!
          Doris continues to be busy in numerous endeavors like: ministering to students at LBC with her gift of hospitality; serving on the board of Lancaster Child Evangelism Fellowship; officiating lacrosse; engaging in a number of other volunteer opportunities at Calvary Fellowship Homes (CFH) including serving on their Strategic Planning Committee. She likes to stay busy! Probably her greatest joy is to get a call that indicates that grandchildren need babysat! She also joins Bob in working with students from LBC in a group called Generation to Generation. This pairs students from the college to older saints from CFH.    
     We celebrated or 45th wedding anniversary this year. We were in beautiful Dresden, Germany this November with a small team from our church serving with Jeff and Anne Ingram who are planting a new church in the area. We have enjoyed short trips here and there but like to use the time off to be with our children.  
     Our children and grandchildren are doing well. Andy and Kristine are still in upstate New York where he teaches history and English in a public school and raises steers, chickens, and a large garden. Kristine is a busy homemaker and home schools 2 of her children. This year Kathryn (13) became a teenager and now attends South Lewis Middle School where her Dad teaches. She skis, reads, and loves the outdoors. Emma (10) is home schooled and enjoys ballet, crafts, and skiing. Calvin (7) is also home schooled and loves his four-wheeler, playing outside, skiing, and wrestling sisters.
   Charlotte and Jamie continue to live in the Bucks County area of PA. Charlotte teaches English part-time at Carin University and home schools the children. Jamie is Senior Enrollment Advisor for Capture Higher Education where he works with a number of universities in the Northeast region of the US. Reid (9) loves mechanics/ and reading. Meg (8) engages in sports, reading, and social life. Lewis (4) loves everything and is full of energy.  We are so thankful for our family. We enjoy times with them and wish it could be more often.
     We would love to see you and have an open guest room for your visit. We would love to hear from you too and hear what is happening in your life!
                                                                                              Email: bdreid1@verizon.net  or  breid@lbc.edu