This update is a replacement for the traditional Christmas card. We have joined with many of our family and friends who have replaced physical cards with electronic greetings. I trust you and your family are doing well.
The small white lights on our front porch punch holes in the wintery darkness of our neighborhood. To me it is a visual reminder that Jesus came to earth as a baby to be the Savior of the world. The Apostle John describes Jesus as “the light that shined in darkness” (John 1:5). He adds that those who “receive him [as the light], who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (1:12). That’s encouragement for a world that could stand an infusion of good news. Our family wishes you blessings in the New Year!
This year has been an interesting one for Doris and Bob. Last December Bob underwent a hip replacement. He spent much of the winter months doing therapy after responsibilities as Pastor at Large at Lancaster Bible College (LBC). In the Spring Doris underwent emergency surgery in May to remove a large mass from her abdomen. We are thanking the Lord that she was given a good report and after 6 weeks of restrictions she was back officiating lacrosse. She also is active in Child Evangelism Fellowship (teaching and board member), volunteering at Calvary Fellowship Homes (Thrift Shop, Gift shop, and various committees), and teaching a ladies Bible class at our home church, and interacting with lots of ladies fellowships.
Bob continues to serve at LBC but with a new title as an “Ambassador for Lancaster Bible College/ Capital Seminary and Graduate School.” The functions are mainly the same, but he has the flexibility to control his schedule a bit more. Bob continues to preach, do conferences, mentor students, and interact with pastors and churches. He also is writing articles for a local newspaper every five weeks, and serves on the Board of Directors for Calvary Fellowship Homes. Basically Bob continues to drive Doris crazy as she likes to plan in advance and he likes to “wing” it! The Lord has been so good to us and we look forward to our 50th anniversary in June.
Front: Doris, Kristine, Calvin, Lewis (very front), Emma, Meg. Back: Bob, Andy, Reid, Charlotte, Jamie, Kathryn.
Andy continues to teach in upstate NY as well as raise steers, chickens, and other
farm products. Kristine homeschools Calvin, breeds labs, and maintains the farm.
The children are involved in sports and many other activities making Mom the
chauffeur. Charlotte continues teaching at Carin University, Valley Christian School,
and Veritas (online). Jamie continues to work with “Capture” (working with colleges to assist in student recruitment and marketing). Their children too are involved
in sports and many other activities—parents are on the run. All the families are
active in their churches and it great to see their children growing in the Lord.
Doris and Bob got to travel some to Cape Cod, MA; Cape May, NJ; and numerous trips to be with the family. We had special times too with family and friends. A fun time with Irish family (Naill and Kathryn Collum and their children) as they visited with us and our children. Keep in touch! Email: or Facebook (friend me!). Blog: