Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Christmas Greeting 2020

Again, this update is a replacement for the traditional Christmas card. As with many of our family and friends we have replaced physical cards with electronic greetings. I trust you and your family are doing well. Our family wishes you blessings in the New Year! This has been the year of the COVID-chaos. All that we had anticipated in 2020 was altered, much like your plans I suspect. We had anticipated this year to be milestone celebrations – 50th wedding anniversary; Golden anniversary of our graduation from college; the graduation from high school of our 1st grandchild; etc. Several special trips were planned. Some events still happened, but looked very different than what we had first envisioned. 
     Our anniversary was celebrated on the shores of Lake Ontario at Sackets Harbor. The Gleason and Reid family met there for several days while living in separate accommodations. But we did get together for an anniversary cake, hiking, swimming, and lots of laughs. 

     Kathryn, our oldest granddaughter, had her graduation at a drive-in movie theater where she had the honor of giving the salutatorian address. It was a more interesting venue than a High School auditorium! 
Mostly we have had to lay low due to our PA governor’s imaginative mandates. Plan and cancel were the primary activities of the time. We had several brief visits with the Gleasons. It was not as easy to get to Andy’s because of required testing or quarantines. We had mostly driving day trips except for going for about a week to Letchworth State Park in NY. 
     Bob’s position as “Ambassador for Lancaster Bible College/ Capital Seminary and Graduate School.” was significantly altered due to the COVID regulations. He continues to preach, do conferences, mentor students, and interact with pastors and churches. He also writes articles for a local newspaper every five weeks and blogs for Calvary Monument Bible Church. He has been advising a number of churches that are working through issues related to the stress of COVID and serves on the Board of Directors for Calvary Fellowship Homes. He spoke at America’s Keswick for a week in August. It was a rather surreal conference as the Governor of NJ had placed so many restrictions upon the conference’s operation. Nonetheless it was a blessing to minister there and see the Lord work in lives. 
     Doris had planned to retire from officiating lacrosse after this Spring season. I guess you could say she had early retirement as the season was cancelled. She continues to be active with Child Evangelism Fellowship (teaching and board member), volunteering at Calvary Fellowship Homes, and teaching a ladies Bible class at our home church, and interacting with lots of ladies’ fellowships. 
Andy continues to teach in upstate NY. Teaching during this time is challeging. He maintains his sanity during this period by raising steers, chickens, and other farm products. Kristine homeschools Calvin, breeds labs, and maintains the vegetable branch of the farm. The children are involved many other activities making Mom the chauffeur until Kathryn got her license and her own car for transportation.
      Charlotte continues teaching at Carin University, Valley Christian School, and Veritas (online). Jamie continues to work with “Capture” (working with colleges to assist in student recruitment and marketing). Many educational challenges impact them. Their children too are involved many other activities—parents are on the run. All the families are active in their churches and it great to see their children growing in the Lord. 
Keep in touch! Email: bdreid1@verizon.net or Facebook (friend me!). Blog: reidsreflection.blogspot.com